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Ensuring that you've picked the correct time zone
Ensuring that you've picked the correct time zone

Picking the right time zone matters so that nobody is unsure of when a call will happen

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Written by LifeGuides
Updated over a week ago

LifeGuides is all about conversations between people. That means that it's important that the people involved know exactly when they're going to talk to each other! Ensuring that you've set the correct time zone in your profile is crucial to avoiding problems with your calls.

To verify or change your time zone settings, please:

  1. Click on your profile icon at the upper right hand corner of the site, when logged in

  2. In the menu that appears, click on "Your Profile"

  3. On your profile settings page, look to the time zone setting

If you open the dropdown menu, you'll see that there are a few options. As we are currently operating only in the United States, the time zones available apply only to the US. It is important to note that certain time zone options account for certain areas that do not observe Daylight Savings.

Hawaii-Aleutian Time (Honolulu) - no Daylight Savings
​Hawaii-Aleutian Time (Adek) - pick this if your location observes Daylight Savings
Alaska Time
Pacific Time
Mountain Time (Phoenix)
- no Daylight Savings
​Mountain Time (Denver) - pick this if your location observes Daylight Savings
​Central Time
Eastern Time

Unless you've picked a time zone that does not observe it, the website will automatically account for when Daylight Savings Time begins and ends.

We would also like to note that your time zone will not automatically adjust if you travel across time zones. If you're on a trip or you've moved, please remember to change your time zone on your profile! After you do that, your scheduled call times will now reflect your current location.

If you have additional questions about setting your time zone, please feel free to reach out to us by clicking on the blue icon at the bottom right of the page.

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